After six years of attending the Twin Lakes Fellowship, this may well have been the best year yet for preaching and refreshment to my soul. I go home longing to be a better pastor, better preacher, better Session Moderator, better presbyter, better head-of-staff, better husband, better father, better friend, better pray-er, better student of the Word, and better theologian. In Preachers with Power, Dr. Kelly tells of Jefferson Davis’ regular post-war trips to New Orleans to hear Benjamin Morgan Palmer preach. His wife reported that he left weary and melancholy, but would always return home refreshed. My wife says the same thing about me after Twin Lakes each year. An army of weary Gospel ministers return to their families and congregations with the glow of Moses on their faces.
Rev. William C. Marsh
Senior Minister, Christ Community Church (ARP)
Vice Moderator, General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
369 Air Harbor Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
Reverend Marsh can be found on Twitter as well as Facebook.